Working with Anchors

Coming soon in Summer 2024, Working with Anchors will be the first book by our Chief Change Officer, Mike Abel

The book aimed at an audience of organisational leaders, aspiring leaders and anyone with an interest in achieving positive outcomes.

Working with Anchors outlines the need for anchoring messages and goals, their benefits to help ground our thought process to stop us spiralling into a cycle of negativity and to help us challenge upwards in a constructive manner by tying the messaging back to the anchor rather than substituting facts with raw emotional and pulling rank.

The themes throughout the book are told through the fictional character Bob to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment to former colleagues or organisations where situations could have been handled differently.

The book will initially be published as an e-book and be available free on Amazon,  Kindle Store and other online retailers.

Yes, we said FREE, we want people to download the book, read it and share the knowledge. Not all corporate knowledge needs to be commercialised 

If just some of the readers can gain a new perspective or have a conversation on the subject then the book will have been a success 


Contact us now to discuss your requirements on a confidential, no-Cost & No-Obligation basis