We are experts in Change Management

Building a Change Management Capability

We recognise that building a Change Management capability from the ground up can be a daunting venture, commonly we see Change Management as a forgotten science that has been pushed to the corner with the expectations that resources working on initiatives can simply integrate this highly complex discipline into their already very busy schedules.

This is a harsh but true reflection of many organisations, especially the market leading global companies where scale and geo-economic politics between regions adds additional complexities.

At Metavallo, we aim to provide impartial services that focus on the needs of the organisation, not the egos within it.

Change is often created at a C-Suite level based on a perception of a problem that needs solving but it is enforced on resources or consumers who have often has little or no input to the problem statement or even to confirm if there is an issue at all.

Through building a Change Management capability that is both skilled in understanding the needs of the business & consumers and supports a network of contacts throughout the intended recipients of any initiatives, you can minimise many risks, missed opportunities and ensure greater embedding and adoption

Strategic Support

Writing a Change Management strategy, roadmaps and other artefacts can be challenging, especially when many of the benefits are often invisible. It is the lubricant that helps all the parts move, it unlocks risks and issues before they've materialised, it helps dialogue and discussion to drive better outcomes. In fact, the only time Change Management becomes a headline topic is when an initiative doesn't meet it goals and then it is the fault of poor change management.

At Metavallo, we can help organisations with writing strategies, north star visions, roadmaps and other artefacts for Change Management, it is often better in our opinion to have an independent input into these documents to ensure the diversity of thought is cast wide.

It is important thought to acknowledge that we WILL NOT write these documents for you, if we do, then the ownership transfers away from the organisation and in order to best succeed, why would you defer ownership to a third party other than to have something to pin the blame on in the future? This is a negative behavioural trait that we always discuss early on with clients. You want it? You have to step up to the plate and own it as having that close association with these artefacts empowers resources and encourages positive dialogue rather than a blame culture.

Change Management Capability Reviews

Try not to think that workplace reviews are always a negative experience, they can be a positive experience too. Culturally a positive growth mindset embraces reviews and retrospectives as they are an opportunity to assess, validate against expectations and move forward towards a goal either on the same path as before, a pivot to a new path or even change the next goal on the assumption you have even set and communicated those expectations!

At Metavallo, we are happy to provide independent and impartial reviews and retrospectives on your Change Management capability as a whole or as part of an initiative.

During these reviews, we always work in a Past, Present and Future sense where we will be looking at the original expectations and understanding is everyone aligned with them before we look to the current state of play before collectively discussing our interim findings to ensure we can present a future state that builds upon a growth & learning mindset but is aligned to your strategic direction.